Care, Cleaning, And Maintenance

Your porcelain lamp is one of the most important fixtures in your home. Given the right care, these delicate lamps can look great for many years. But if you’re not careful, they can start to show their age much faster. That’s because porcelain is a brittle material that can break easily. Even with the right care, over time soap scum and other dirt and grease can build up on top of it. In some cases, your lamp might even develop small cracks or chips. It doesn’t have to be this way though. You just need to know how to take care of one to keep it looking good for many years to come. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about caring for a porcelain lamp.


What is porcelain and why is it so fragile?

Porcelain is a special type of clay that was used as a raw material for making beautiful pottery and sculptures throughout history. Because of this history, porcelain is incredibly fragile. In fact, it’s so fragile that it can fracture without even being hit. If a piece breaks off in your lamp, there’s a good chance it will crack or break completely the next time it’s used. Therefore, porcelain is best for decorative purposes only. It’s not meant for daily use and should be handled carefully. Porcelain is also a relatively recent invention. It was first discovered in China in the 19th century. Since it was such a new material, it was never used for pottery until the 1900s. That’s why porcelain is also fragile. It’s only been around for a short time and hasn’t been around long enough to develop any protective properties.


Avoid bending your lamp when cleaning

Before you start cleaning, take a moment to assess your lamp’s condition. If it’s old and has several chips or cracks, you want to avoid bending it while cleaning. Instead, keep those areas where they are. This will prevent further damage and keep the lamp usable. When cleaning, keep your lamp upside down. That way, any dirt and dust that spills out of the base can be collected. This will also prevent your lamp from accidentally getting scraped against hard surfaces while cleaning. While that doesn’t usually cause any long-term damage, it’s another reason why your lamp is so fragile.


Use the right tool for the job

Your porcelain lamp is delicate and you should treat it with extra care. But that doesn’t mean you should use your toothbrush. Instead, use specially designed cleaning items designed to clean porcelain. These items will help you avoid damaging your lamp while cleaning. Some examples include a soft sponge, a doormat, or a soft cloth. Because porcelain is brittle, you’ll want to be extra careful when cleaning with these items. You don’t want to accidentally break your lamp. If you’re cleaning a lamp with a specially designed cleaning item, make sure to hold it below the fixture to prevent scratching your walls and floors.


Make sure to dry your lamp completely after washing

Your porcelain lamp is delicate and you should treat it with extra care. But that doesn’t mean you should use your toothbrush. Instead, use specially designed cleaning items designed to clean porcelain. These items will help you avoid damaging your lamp while cleaning. If you’re washing your lamp, make sure to dry it completely. That means removing the base and wiping out the inside of the lamp with a soft cloth. If you’re using a normal dry cloth, you can speed up the drying process by shaking the cloth out frequently. If you’re using a wet cloth, you’ll want to let it air dry inside the sink before replacing the base.


Store your lamp in a dry location

Your porcelain lamp is delicate and you should treat it with extra care. But that doesn’t mean you should use your toothbrush. Instead, use specially designed cleaning items designed to clean porcelain. These items will help you avoid damaging your lamp while cleaning. It’s important to keep your lamp in a dry location. That means keeping it away from wet areas such as near a bathroom or near a door that opens onto a damp sidewalk. If you do keep your lamp in a wet location, make sure to keep it away from the wall. That way, water can’t pool up on top of it. You can also use a tray or saucer to keep your lamp off the floor.



Your porcelain lamp is delicate and you should treat it with extra care. But that doesn’t mean you should use your toothbrush. Instead, use specially designed cleaning items designed to clean porcelain. These items will help you avoid damaging your lamp while cleaning. Keep your lamp clean to keep it looking great. Cleaning your lamp will also help prevent damage and ensure that it lasts longer. Using the right cleaning items and drying your lamp out completely after washing will help your lamp last as long as possible. Most importantly, don’t bend your lamp while cleaning. It’s just too fragile for it.


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