In the past few years, the United States and Canada have seen some of the hottest summers, with temperatures crossing 130*F. This summer of 2021 seems to be determined to continue that trend, and our utility bills bear the weight of this increased heat.
Alongside being a climate disaster, these hot summer months are just as destructive to your wallet. They raise your energy bills two or even three-fold, with the largest part of this increase coming from the cooling system and lights of your home.
If you’re looking for a way to save energy by smarter utilizing your indoor lighting, you’re at the right place! Here are some excellent energy-saving tips to help you get through these smoldering hot days!
How to Save Energy during Summertime
1. Opt for LED Light Bulbs
If you’re still using incandescent light bulbs, it’s high time to replace them with LED bulbs for maximum energy efficiency without compromising performance. Incandescent bulbs are highly energy-inefficient as only about 15% of the energy consumed is actually converted into light energy; the rest is simply given off as wasted heat.
When you switch your bulbs to LED lights from A Lamp and Fixture Corp, you will instantly notice lowered energy bills. LED bulbs are currently the most energy-efficient option in the market as they consume 75% lesser energy and last significantly longer too! Not only are they better for your wallet, but they’re also better for the environment!
2. Close Your Blinds and Draw the Curtains
Did you know that the sun constantly has a greenhouse effect, even inside your home? This traps heat inside your rooms, making them hotter and thus increasing the strain on your HVAC. In return, the air conditioning increases energy consumption and works harder to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors.
A simple way to handle this issue and significantly lower your utility bills is by closing the blinds and drawing the curtains. You should be extra careful about your southern or western-facing windows, as they have to take the brunt of the heat more. Invest in thick curtains and good-quality blinds. Keep them drawn during harsh sunlight hours.
3. Match Your Lighting to its Task
Lastly, you need to make sure the lighting used around your home is meant for its purpose. Task, accent, and ambient lighting all require different kinds of bulbs for maximum efficiency. Additionally, you should invest in lights with varying controls and different color temperatures. This allows you to manage just how intense or dim the lights should be depending on daytime and nighttime hours.
LED lamps are highly dimmable, but you will need to install dimmers on them. Since dimming reduces energy consumption without affecting efficiency, this is the perfect way to reduce your bill.